
Projects, Applications and Open Source

Thanks for taking a look at my portfolio! You will find a curated list of projects with some sample screenshots, links to their GitHub repositories and live previews, as well as information about the project.

Get Focused is a project born out of my previous use of the Productivity Planner. I've re-imagined it as a webapp, with the same flow and approach as the written journal. The app is mostly about displaying, interacting with and loading data via forms. Built using the new React framework Remix, a framework that embraces web APIs, it allowed me to work with forms easily and effectively.


I had the unique opportunity to join Co.Lab, a program that created a cross-discipline team to work on a project/application. As a team (Product Manager, Designer and Developers) we created YourRoomz, an app that allows users to get decor recommendations based on existing furniture and decor.

ReactPostgresNodeGraphQLPrismaRedux ToolkitReact QueryPassportRainforest API

My portfolio site. I built this to showcase where I'm at as a developer and what projects and apps I've built. I went with a clean design (I'm developer, not a designer after all!) with the goal of letting the content speak for itself.

ReactNext.jsContentlayerSpotify APIServerless FunctionsTypeScriptContext

The Leaderboards app is nothing more than something silly and fun. The initial idea came one night while gaming and one friend commented to another about how they wished they had tracked how often they'd run over each other in PUBG.
